Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day 12- 14 -Long weekend & two weeks post surgery

Lots of errands and running around this weekend which made me pretty tired. Honestly not much has changed since my last post. I'm hungry all the time with no end in sight but I'm looking forward to going to work on Tuesday. It'll be nice to get out of the house and it will help make the days not feel so long.

I can tell the lack of food is affecting (effecting ?) me- I get a mild headache and by then I'm too damn tired to do anything about it. Maybe some prepared blended foods would be useful but I'm still struggling to get past the idea of taking food like spaghetti and tacos or whatever and blending it.

And the nosebleeds still happen when I cry or get upset. Hopefully it isn't a new trend from the surgery because it is getting OLD.
Two weeks post surgery

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