Friday, September 2, 2016

Day 10 &11- Goodbye Pawnee

Days are blending into each other now and honestly there has been no news with my jaw. Feels the same-no feeling in my chin and bottom lip and, I'm struggling to find food I want to eat that gives me enough calories. I really like blended watermelon but it is mostly water- not really nutrient enough for meals and snacks. So I've been adding milk and protein powder to it, but it still doesn't fill me up.
I've seriously got to set my food game up. Oh and baby food- strawberry dessert- IS NASTY. Just eat straight up jelly or jam it will taste better. I'm taste testing lots of baby food, you're welcome future kids.

I finished Parks and Rec too, I've been home for a little over a week and I've finished the entire six seasons. I've read that there's a comeback season 7 though and I'm contemplating watching that next. 

And I think I'm going to go back to work after the long weekend, just starting with half days. I feel alright sitting on the couch taking it easy but I'm bored and miss work. I want to ease myself back into it since I'm not sure how tired I'm going to be and eating is still a feat. I'm not quite sure I want my coworkers seeing me eating baby food with syringes and just straight up being a mess. So I figure I'll work mornings and have snack break with my protein smoothies and some apple sauce. Those go-squeeze apple sauces are super convenient. 

I'm coming to terms with my new face too, its looks square to me now.  Curtis says I'm still a little swollen in the cheeks but other than that I look fine.
September 2, 2016- 

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