Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 5- sick to my stomach

Today I'm feeling nauseous. All of the creamy, sweet smoothies and soups are getting to me. Everything makes me feel sick, the thought of food, thought of eating out if that fricken syringe again and the yucky feeling of my teeth.  I had a dream last night too where I ate pizza but I was still all messed up from the surgery so I couldn't chew it. Just suck on it. Gross  

I've started drinking from a cup in hopes to feel normal. I still can't feel my bottom lip and chin but I'm not making a mess and that's what counts  

Went to the grocery store too, trying to find something that was yummy and wasn't gonna make feel like hurling. Got some baby food- seems kind of sad but at this point what can you do. Chicken noodle soup, rice cereal for babies and grape juice. I've been wanting grape juice since my first night in the hospital.   

I'm super yellow today all along my neck and chest and I think it's the meds that are making me feel sick.  

My dad drove up for too today, we just played some card games until it was time for bed. It's nice to have my family here when I need them. I don't think I could get through this without my mom. She's making sure I'm eating and waking me up to take my medications since it's every 6 hours.  Love ya mom  

 Oh and I finally had a bowel movement 💩 
 You're welcome.   

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