I've moved from sleeping on the couch to my bed. Everything for me is about feeling normal.
I recommend for breakfast- baby rice cereal. It's pretty good and is better warm than cold.
Before the surgery the type of food I ate first thing when I woke up was important to me and the temperature of the food I'm eating is important. This is what I'm struggling with. Texture of food isn't that big of a deal to me so I don't mind the blended stuff- even tho I'm staying away from blending meat. Eating my soups- sorta warm is weird. They're usually boiling hot. And the first thing I eat when I wake up has got to be a breakfast/brunch type food.
Today ended up being one of the best days since the surgery. I felt better after taking my medication and eating. I was full human mode today, it was awesome. I'm not as yellow as yesterday and look more like myself. My parents and I went to the mall today and I drank a Starbucks smoothie. It was so good and plus it made me feel normal. Getting out of the house and going places really helped and I recommend doing it as soon as you have enough energy.
Today was also one days that I've eaten the most. Starting with the rice cereal I've had, blended watermelon and honeydew, Starbucks smoothie, full bowl of tomato soup, Apple sauce, and a mango smoothie. Lots of fruit today but all the homemade smoothies I supplement with protein powder. I feel full and happy :)
My previously numb lip and chin feel like they are sleeping and very tingly. So it's all coming back slowly but surely. I can feel the corners of my mouth move when I smile and I've been doing a lot of that today. I've been laughing my ass off at Parks and Recreation. Soo good.
Tomorrow I get x-rays and my elastics taken off so I'll be a little more free to move in my mouth. I really really really really want to brush my teeth or my tongue. Seriously if the apocalypse ever comes a tooth brush is top ten things I need to live. Plus I haven't been perfect about straining everything I eat so there's some floatys in there I would normal spit out.
Plus I keep doing this thing where I stick my finger in my food to test the temperature and taste it first but I can't stick my finger in my mouth. Struggles