Thursday, November 10, 2016

Day 80- Little less than an inch

I was feeling a little nervous for my second physio appointment yesterday- I guess really just anxious to be 100% back to my pre surgery self.

My appointment was only 30 minutes long this time and we jumped right in. He measured me again at the beginning and at the end of the appointment. I can't remember what I started with today but I started the last appointment at 1.5cm opening. Lots of massaging and pulling but I could tell there was progress on the left side of my jaw. I could hear sounds while he was pulling and pushing my jaw similar to what I imagine a very rusty shitty hinge starting to open. I'd rate the pain for this appointment at a 0 more just discomfort until the very end of the appointment. The last stretch he did was to have me open my mouth as wide as I could, and then relax- he had his hand then holding my mouth in place or something. Then he had me open even wider and that's when it started to hurt but I could feel whatever he was doing is working! At the end of the appointment I was at 2cm and can a max of 2.2cm if I've got some help (being held open).

My goal between this week and next week is to maintain how wide I can open and I have physio appointments for the next three weeks. I'm also going to be getting that jaw-jack I mentioned in my last post so that will help with my exercises and getting my jaw to open.

FYI: 1 cm is equal to 0.39 of an inch- so my max opening is not even an inch!
 if that helps for visualisation

Friday, November 4, 2016

Day74- First physiotherapy appointment

Physio went really well, I really like the therapist. He measured my opening and it is 1.5cm which is almost half of what I would of been before surgery. The appointment was a hour long and about 20 minutes of it was an initial assessment of my jaw and why the surgery and what type of pain and movement do I have now. My pain is zero and I feel about 75% normal- all I really want is to be able to eat a gigantic hamburger. The other 20-30 minutes the therapist did stretches and massaging of my jaw at the joints. Lots of pushing and pulling it open-which didn't hurt and actually felt kind of nice. He also went over some exercises I should be doing at home to help get the muscles and joints working. I have an appointment with the physiotherapist once a week for the next two weeks. He also mentioned a therapy device called a jaw-jack that works much like a car-jack to help with at home exercises and maintaining work that is done at the sessions. I'm really excited to get back to normal and am feeling positive about it all. The therapist also said that we won't know if the disc is problem or if it is just very stiff muscles until we get more motion.